We’re excited to announce the latest tool in the Wordtune toolkit - The AI Content Detector.
The AI revolution has made it easier and faster than ever to produce written content with just a few clicks. In the months since the introduction of ChatGPT and similar Generative AI writing tools, the lines between human-written content and computer-generated text have been continuously blurring.
While this technological breakthrough is nothing short of amazing, the need for content that feels more “human” is more apparent than ever.
Did you know? Google penalizes content generated by AI, and generally ranks machine-written text lower on search result pages than content that was written by humans. That is why more and more content creators have been taking extra steps to make sure the content they produce feels as human as possible.
Human-written content is not just crucial for ranking high on Google - Relying solely on AI-generated text can actually lead to legal as well as ethical problems, which is something both businesses and people should generally avoid.
For these reasons, we have created the Wordtune AI Content Detector.
With this new tool, you can assess whether or not a piece of writing has been written by a human being or generated by AI, and adjust it accordingly.
How does it work?
Step 1 - Paste your text
To get started with the Wordtune AI Content Detector, simply paste a piece of written text into the box. This can be anything from school papers, to blog posts, to presentations, reports, or even press releases - Really any piece of writing up to 250,000 characters.
Step 2 - Analyze
After clicking “Analyze”, the AI Detector will analyze the origin of your text accurately using machine learning algorithms and natural language processing techniques.
Step 3 - Results: Human or AI?
Once your text has been analyzed, you’ll have a clear indication of whether or not it was written by a human.
Step 4 - Rewrite
No AI? No problem.
However, if your text does contain elements that were generated by AI, the tool will recognize it as such.
To fix this, simply copy the flagged text into Wordtune, which will help you rewrite the problematic parts in your own style, and make your content more human, and therefore, more likely to have an impact.
For more tips on how to humanize AI writing, check out this article.