How to Turn a LinkedIn Comment Into a Post (+Examples)
3 min read
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February 20, 2023

How to Turn a LinkedIn Comment Into a Post (+Examples)

How to Turn a LinkedIn Comment Into a Post (+Examples)

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LinkedIn is as much about the comments as it is about the post. 

While the post introduces an idea, the comments are profuse with new inputs, experiences, and sometimes even amazing memes. 

On a LinkedIn post, you’ll see comments that negate a post’s claim, support it, add more to it, or add an entirely new perspective. And if you’re adamant about increasing consistency on the platform, you can extract multiple post ideas from LinkedIn comments. 

To increase your audience, use comments as idea pillars or references and use the topic in your own posts. 

LinkedIn comment

For example, This comment adds a fresh take on the reason for cart abandonment. Now, you can create a post that discusses aggressive selling techniques to avoid and convert more leads.

comment to post

Quick ways to use LinkedIn comments intelligibly:

  • Turn the comment into an opinion post (express why you side with it or don’t support it)
  • Debunk a myth (oftentimes, people struggle with research and put the wrong data in a post, many comments will correct it. Use those comments to debunk the myth in a post)
  • If it’s a comment with dense information, divide it into multiple post ideas.
  • Extract comments that look like mini-post (break them and rebuild them in your voice)

Turning a comment into a post is an art. We’ll be exploring that in-depth today. So let’s start!

How to find comments worth using

The first step to turning LinkedIn comments into posts is to look for the right comments and follow the people that inspire you. LinkedIn has over 900 million users, and having a cluttered profile can fill your mind to the brim and hinder the ideation process. 

Tip: If a comment has a lot of likes and replies under it means it has some captivating information that’s compelling people to respond to it. 

So the first step is to clear the clutter.

Here’s how you achieve that:

Step 1: Define your industry. It can be B2B SaaS in marketing, Green Tech, Writing, Engineering, and any other profession that matches with yours. 

Step 2: Optimize your Linkedin profile to see only relevant posts related to people you admire for work.

LinkedIn headline

By including my profession in the headline, I ensure people from top B2B companies always notice my profession first when reviewing my content. Next, I mention the services I offer. This helps in lead generation.

Next: Hashtags. Choose 3-4 industry hashtags for your headline. These hashtags help you highlight the topics you’re known for talking about and prompt people who follow the same hashtag to connect with you. 

Step 3: Connection request section. Clean up your connection requests on a daily basis instead of accumulating them for weeks. This helps keep your profile clean, and you’ll see content only from the people who’ll match your interests. To do this:

  • Define acceptance criteria for requests. (Personalized recommendations, industry, and activity)
  • Remove all those people who won’t engage, are not from your industry, or aren’t active. 
  • Send personalized requests to people you want to connect with. 

This will help keep your feed more concentrated on quality than quantity. 

Step 4:

  • Make a list of the top 100 people you’d like to connect with.
  • Follow them.
  • Engage actively in their posts. 

Pro tip: You can also turn your own comments into posts if you often leave long comments that look like mini-posts and discuss a new topic.

Step 5: Create an idea document with a rough dump or screenshots of all post-worthy comments in one place to make the process easier for yourself.

As a result, the process of turning comments into posts will be set in motion. Now, we move on to the meat of the post, i.e., restructuring and adding more data into a comment to transform it into an engaging post.

The process of turning a comment into a post

Now that we’ve touched base on how to find a post that is worth turning into a post, let’s run through a step-by-step process and turn one such comment into a post.

Before you jump into the process, ensure the comment is juicy, has bountiful information, and has more than one talking point.


LinkedIn Comment

This comment by Michele Linn, under my post, ideally depicts how comments also add to a post. I posted about my Research Reports service and many people shared their stories in the comments. 

This one caught my eye because:

  • It’s structured, and every part is broken into digestible chunks, which are easy to read.
  • She starts with a hook. “So many reasons,” this will instantly indicate she discusses intriguing aspects of Research.
  • It’s fluff free. Many people add incoherent details that dilute the value to get more likes.

Here’s the process of how to turn this one into a post that garners likes:

1. Define the idea

Once you select the post, understand the topic and what kind of post you can create from it. 

This comment talks about “Research and how it adds new information that helps the audience learn something new and is not another version of old ideas.

Here, we have 3 topic ideas:

  • How Research helps create audience-focused content.
  • Types of content to create from research papers.
  • How we can break down Research into different content pieces.

You can add all these ideas to your idea dump doc or schedule them in advance to have more time to engage and reply to comments.

2. Decide on the format

LinkedIn allows you to post in multiple formats. You can use text and add carousels or videos to hook your audience.

If you want to use text, make sure it’s no more than 3000 characters (including words, emojis, spaces, and letters). The text should always be crisp, have enough white spaces, include emojis, and have a structure that divides multiple pointers.

Linkedin post

For instance: In this post, I’ve created a numbered list of how to work harder for client edits. This summarizes multiple pointers in a crisp way that is not monotonous and has a practical value from which readers can derive inspiration.

Carousels help create a visual experience for your readers. You can add multiple videos/images in one and remove the need for text-heavy copy.

This carousel post by Kaouther Akid discusses how quality versus quantity in content creation matters. Carousels add colors, bring content diversity, and attract more audiences. Also, since you're repurposing a comment, a carousel will make your content stand out and reflect that you've enhanced the comment and not copied it. 

In the case of videos, you can engage people with dialogues, effects, and transitions that capture attention. Videos are proven to capture audiences' attention in their feeds, and that audience is 20x more likely to share them than any other type of post.

For our comment, I'm choosing a text-type content post.

3. Formulate the copy

This critical step shapes your comment into a post and allows you to direct the message toward your target audience. 

Start with a hook! And proceed with the content by separating it into pointers. 

The post:

Regurgitation of ideas creates content, but I feel it's the most overused tactic to repeat the same topics. 

Research changes that✨

I've written multiple research reports for B2B SaaS. The research adds new data and gives your readers numbers to rely on. 

Here are some ways research helps create audience-focused content:

👉 Find the "burning questions" your audience are looking answers for. 

👉 Rule out the statistics and research reports you want to break down for assessment.

👉 Ensure the idea is not already posted by a competitor.

👉Synthesize the idea of the research stats with your own opinions to add a new perspective. 

Research can also branch out into different content types like blogs, social media posts, and cheat sheets.

Looking for someone to write research reports for your brand? DM me (taking bookings for 2023)

Remember, the CTA for the post should be direct and target your audience’s pain points. In this case, it’s finding the right person to write research reports. 

CTA’s can prompt your reader to:

  • Send a connection request
  • Comment their thoughts (these posts have the most post worthy comments)
  • Visit a link (a blog, research paper, or portfolio)
  • Sign up for newsletters or DM you to discuss a mutual topic

Essentials for turning a comment into a post

These are rules I’ve stuck to while building my personal brand on LinkedIn. Similarly to our LinkedIn bio guide, I’ve taken inspiration from some of the top creators in my niche and learned from their experiences. 

Here they are:

1. Steer clear of offensive comments

You’ll witness people become over-passionate and comment with words that are not ideal or endorse profanity. You need to avoid such comments. Not because they’re invaluable, but because they offend people, and force the audience to depart from your LinkedIn profile. 

However, if you see troll comments under posts, you can quickly turn it into something positive, and explain why those trolls don’t affect you or your work.

This post combines hateful comments under her profile into a reasonable post about why iPhone tech helps her scale the freelance business.

She explained it’s not an obsession but an asset that aligns all their workflow. 

Note: If you find posts with obscene language but still want to turn it into a comment. Use Wordtune to omit offensive words.

Here I turn a comment/opinion into a hook for another post. I especially like the 2nd alternative because it removes redundancies and grammatical mistakes and makes a comment more impactful for a hook.

2. Don't plagiarize word for word

LinkedIn boosts your content if it’s unique and speaks your voice. If you copy a comment directly as a post, LinkedIn will not push it toward the right audience. That’s because it’s already present in a comment, which is a long shot from the type of content you always post.

Wordtune helps me turn this comment into an active voice and represent it as my own. What I would add to this is to remove “Humans are bad with predictions'' to “Humans cannot forecast every uncertainty.” This helps imbibe my brand voice into the comment.

3. Pay attention to your feed

LinkedIn comments have different operative functions than comments on other social media channels. When you comment on LinkedIn, the platform not only notifies the owner of the post but the people in your network too.

Even if you comment on someone’s post which is completely new to your network, the people in your network will still see your comments in the activity section of your profile. 

Hence, checking the activity section of your most prominent connection is also a good trick to find the right comment to turn into a post.

4. Check out hashtags

Hashtags help find relevant data about a specific topic. For example, if you visit #contentwriting, you’ll see multiple posts about content writing.

#contentwriting hashtag

Search for “Content writing” or any other topic you want to find comments on in the search console of LinkedIn. Scroll down to find most liked posts and read their comments. 

You can refine your search by “people”, “companies” or “location” for comments geared towards more specific topics.

To search for the right hashtags, you can type the topic (i.e., 'marketing strategy') or your best guess at the hashtag (i.e., #MarketingStrategy), and the search results will include matching hashtags.

5. Post during active hours

The ideal time to post on LinkedIn is when your target audience is most active. You can define this time through research about when your TA goes to work when they like to engage, etc. The "Activity" section can help you with that. 

Next comes the "Golden Hour." It is an hour after you post on LinkedIn. It helps the platform algo decide to push your content. 

If your content does well within an hour, it'll continue to grow for weeks and attract your customers.

6. Add smooth transitions

Don't monologue. Include others in your story and address their pain points. The transition allows your readers to empathize and connect your lessons to their journey.

Use emojis that relate to the action and add enough spaces to separate one point of discussion from the other. 

Pro tip: Always focus on “you” and speak in an active voice. Just like you talk with a friend or in interviews.

Transitions move seamlessly from one point of discussion to another and keep your reader engaged. Plus, it renders your post unique with a brand tone that your audience most connects with. 

Diverse thoughts are shared through comments

Combining all the tips in this post will allow you to add nuance, structure, and flexibility to your comments and posts. You’ll have an endless store of ideas to create content and see more engagement and leads on your profile. 

Note: If you use data from a comment, credit the commenter.

Better yet, use Wordtune to add more meat, omit mistakes, and find shorter yet crisp alternatives for sentences. (I do this every time!)

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